A Pregnancy Kick Counter for BlackBerry®
Are you pregnant? Keep tabs on your baby’s health by easily tracking it’s movements with this BlackBerry® app.
Count your Baby’s Movements
Every time you feel your baby kick, click any key to increase the count. KickBerry keeps track of how long it takes you to get to 10 movements. KickBerry also lets you know when you’ve passed the one-hour and two-hour marks.
Remember What Happened
Healthy babies will show consistent movement over time. KickBerry keeps a record of each time you count your baby’s kicks, and how long it took to get to 10. KickBerry can help you keep your pregnancy on a healthy track.
You can keep using your BlackBerry® while you wait for baby’s next kick. KickBerry’s timer will keep running while you’re working on other things. When you feel a movement, go back to KickBerry and click to record it.